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DOUBLE YOUR DONATION – “Hearts and Homes” campaign

Home » DOUBLE YOUR DONATION – “Hearts and Homes” campaign

Every dollar you donate will be doubled

You can make twice the impact when you give to the Hearts and Homes campaign

to build homes for widows and their families

The plight of a widow in India can be devastating.  Grieving, left alone to care for her children, with little or no income, and shunned as someone who embodies bad luck, her circumstances are dire.

An anonymous donor has made an incredible offer that has enabled us to launch a project to provide safe and secure homes for widows and their children.  We are calling it the Hearts and Homes campaign.

Every dollar that is donated will be matched 100% by the donor, up to $47,000.  That means that we can raise $94,000 or more toward this important cause.  We are urgently asking you to make a donation to the campaign by Friday, August 30th, in any amount that you can give.

Your generosity will make a world of difference for someone like Karthi.  After the death of her husband, she became solely responsible for the family.  Her meagre wages as a day labourer barely provide for her and her two young daughters.  They live in a one-room shack with another family, where her daughters have neither space nor materials for studies.  Now partnered with Save A Family Plan, she plans to raise a buffalo and goats, which will provide her family with a sustainable income.  She dreams of a house with sanitary facilities, and to educate her children.

Your gift will go a long way to helping someone like Karthi to provide their family with a safe and secure home in which to live and thrive.  Although every house is unique, the cost to construct one is around $6,750 CAD.

Please donate today and take advantage of this incredible opportunity to double your impact.

You can donate online, mail in a cheque to the address below, e-transfer to, or give by phone at 519-672-1115 (toll-free 1-855-333-1115).

Save A Family Plan

1040 Waterloo Street, Suite 307
London, ON Canada  N6A 3Y1
519-672-1115 or toll free 1-855-333-1115
Website  Email

In the event that a program has already become fully funded, or where conditions delay or prevent program implementation, Save A Family Plan may redirect your donation to the organization’s most urgent needs.