Tax receipts will be sent out around mid-February, 2025.

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Amazing India

Helping Families in India Stand on Their Own

Although India is emerging as a quickly developing economy, the situation of the poor is still extremely dire. While some people in India are benefitting from these changes, the poorest families are being left further and further behind.

Save a Family Plan values the life and dignity of every person

This belief is central to our commitment to the many families and communities in India that we serve. We are one human family and we are called to help lessen the growing gap between the rich and the poor.

Apart from Economic Difficulties

Impoverished Families in India Are Also Vulnerable To:

  • Poor Access to Healthcare
  • Violence Against Women
  • Access to Clean Water
  • Food Insecurity
  • Unsafe Housing
  • Caste Discrimination
  • Child Labour
  • Environmental Degradation
  • Inadequate Education
  • Climate Change
  • Natural Disasters
  • Unemployment
  • Human Trafficking
  • Migration

Break the Cycle of Poverty

SAFP works to break the cycle of poverty by offering training and skill development to families, helping them to find meaningful work in their own businesses, and allow them to actively participate in their communities and local government.

6 States in India

SAFP is Present in

6 States in India