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Increase of Family Development Program Support

Home » Increase of Family Development Program Support

From Marisa Thorburn, Executive Director,

Save A Family Plan Canada

February, 2024

Dear Friends,

Thanks to your caring and generous financial support, thousands of families facing extreme poverty in India have successfully participated in our development programs. Your generosity has enabled them to break the cycle of poverty, prosper, and provide a better future for their children.

The cost of everything continues to soar across the world. In India, it is no different. The harsh reality is that when times are tough, those who are most vulnerable are especially impacted.

Together with our colleagues at Save A Family Plan India, we have come to an important realization: in order to ensure that our partner families continue to succeed, it is necessary to increase the amount of monthly support of the Family Development Program.

Therefore, if you are partnered with one or more families in our Family Development Program, we are asking you to increase your monthly support by three dollars, from $22 to $25 per month. This will round up the annual cost of support from $264 to exactly $300 per year.  The increase will take effect for the new fiscal year, beginning April 1, 2024.  For the people we serve, this small difference will have a huge impact!

If you donate by automatic deduction from your bank account or credit card: please see below for more information.  If you donate by cheque or e-transfer or cash: please adjust the amount of your future payments to $25 per month or $300 if you donate annually.  You do not need to contact us.

We are aware that these are challenging times for all of us.  If you are concerned that this increase may create hardship for you, contact our office to discuss your options with us.

Please allow me to thank you in advance.  Together, we will continue to work with our partners in India to establish the resiliency today that will provide the hope and dreams for a better tomorrow.

Wishing you all the best in 2024!

To ensure that every partner family continues to succeed in rising from poverty, we are asking you to increase your monthly support from $22 to $25 per month.  As of April 1, 2024, the new rates will be: $25 dollars per month; $300 annually; $1800 entire six years

Only if you donate by automatic deduction from your bank account or credit card: please contact us to confirm the increase as of April 1, 2024.  Here’s how to reach us:


Phone: 519-672-1115 (toll free 1-855-333-1115)

Mail: In Canada: 1040 Waterloo St., Suite 307, London ON N6A 3Y1; In the USA:  P.O. Box 610157, Port Huron, MI, 48061

If we don’t hear from you before the end of March, one of our friendly staff or volunteers will reach out to you directly.

Please consider making a one-time donation of $5 to help cover the admin cost of this change.