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Important Information Regarding SAFP Programs

Home » Important Information Regarding SAFP Programs

Dear Friends,

On behalf of the Save A Family Plan Board of Directors, I would like to inform you of some changes taking place in our procedures.

Like many other Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) across India, Save A Family Plan India is experiencing issues in having their Foreign Contribution Regulations Act (FCRA) license reinstated, a process that takes place every 5 years. This license allows NGOs to accept funds from foreign countries; in other words, it allows funds from the Canada office to be transferred directly to the India office.

As a result, we are making changes in how and when funds will be sent to our partner families. There will be a disruption in our operations of several months while our field staff in India make the necessary preparations to restart our programs.

Letters and updates from your partner families will be delayed, however, we can assure you that they are receiving continued support through the Family Development Program. No action on your part is required and there will be no disruption in donation processing.

Thank you for your understanding during this process. With your unwavering support, prayers, and commitment, we will continue our shared mission to serve the poorest of the poor.

With Sincere Gratitude,

Marisa Thorburn

Executive Director,

Save A Family Plan