Tax receipts will be sent out around mid-February, 2025.

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Understanding Caste in Development

SAFP Canada Staff Cassandra Griffin writes from the field in India. For a foreigner who is an outsider to Indian culture, the concept of caste can be extremely difficult to comprehend. While the effects of this cultural practice may not always be easily apparent, it can be very difficult to reconcile with our own values […]

Grassroots Action leads to Change in SPED III

SAFP Canada Staff Cassandra Griffin writes from the field in India. The road that led to the village had never been paved. It was narrow and rocky, and as our driver navigated it with both skill and courage, we were tossed and shaken around in the jeep. We had already driven many hours like this […]

India’s Scheduled Tribes

Indigenous people are among the most vulnerable and marginalized groups in India, facing disproportionately high levels of poverty, illiteracy, and poor health. These communities, referred to by the government as “Scheduled Tribes”, make up more than 8% of the country’s 1.2 billion inhabitants. Many have little contact with the outside world and continue to survive […]