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A message from the SAFP Executive Director on COVID-19

Home » A message from the SAFP Executive Director on COVID-19
Save A Family Plan launched an urgent appeal

To our committed supporters and friends,

During these uncertain times, we want to assure you that the health and safety of our partner families, SAFP field staff, volunteers, office staff and NGO directors continue to be the top priority of Save A Family Plan. By working remotely, our office staff in Canada have committed to staying open so that we can ensure that the financial support of SAFP families remains uninterrupted and that your donations will continue to reach the bank accounts of your partner families.  Our program has been designed to provide each family with a network of caring support to ensure their basic needs are being met.

Our field staff have been proactive in updating each family about the most current health and safety recommendations and have provided information about how to access soap and sanitizer made available through the Indian government. Over the years, education about health and hygiene has always been incorporated into our Family Development Program with a emphasis on the importance of hand washing and sanitation.

We are carefully monitoring the situation in India and even though communication will be limited over the next while, our staff are available to answer any questions or concerns you may have through e-mail correspondence. We can be reached at Please continue to visit our website for any updates related to our partner families and our programs.

We wish everyone strength and pray for good health in the days to come.

All the best to you and your families,

Marisa Thorburn and the SAFP staff members and volunteers

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