Grassroots Action leads to Change in SPED III
SAFP Canada Staff Cassandra Griffin writes from the field in India. The road that led to the village had never been paved. It was narrow and rocky, and as our driver navigated it with both skill and courage, we were tossed and shaken around in the jeep. We had already driven many hours like this […]
Christmas in Haryana
SAFP Canada Staff Cassandra Griffin writes from the field in India. I woke up to a white Christmas this year, but not the kind I am used to in Canada. Out my window, thick white fog hung over the paddy fields and mustard flowers that make up the landscape of Haryana in North India. It […]
India Reflections
In February 2011, SAFP Canada Board member, Patrick Mahon, and his son Thomas (who was 18 at the time) travelled with SAFP throughout Kerala and Tamil Nadu. This reflection was written by Thomas Mahon in October, 2011. I remember first arriving in India. It was around 3 in the morning and even at that time […]
Memories of India
While hot, humid summer weather can be a challenge and a bother to most people, for me it brings back a flood of wonderful memories of my time in India. Last summer, I was lucky enough to spend three months in India as a Student Intern at Save A Family Plan’s office near Kochi, Kerala. […]
Stories from the Field – A Visit to Kerala
Cavorting emus. Have you ever seen emus cavort? If you visit Aiswaryagram, SAFP India’s headquarters and agricultural training and research centre, and farm, you may. I did as I looked out my bedroom window one afternoon. You will see cows, pigs, horses, monkeys, chickens, ducks and nearly every farm animal you can think of, including […]
Father Ryan’s Visit to India
Years ago I read that when Pope John Paul II visited India his reaction was, “So many people!” I understand exactly what he meant. The state of Kerala, for example, is the size of Nova Scotia and has a population the size of Canada. India is truly rich in the resource that counts most in any […]