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Women and Cyber Crime

Women and Cyber Crime

Since its creation in 1990, the internet has become a huge part of our society, and its importance continues to grow every day. The United Nations have declared equal access to technology a critical element for sustainable development, and have specifically called attention to the need for women to have equal access to these technologies. […]

“Leave No One Behind” – The Difference a Toilet Can Make

The Difference a Toilet Can Make

World Toilet Day, which is celebrated on 19th November every year, was created to inspire action to tackle the global sanitation crisis. This year, the theme is “leave no one behind” which means “paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations.” Sanitation access is fundamental for helping people […]

What difference does your $20 a month make?

What difference does your $20 a month make?

SAFP’s Family Development Program partners our contributors with impoverished families in India in a unique way to promote empowerment and sustainable development. The monthly $20 donation is deposited directly into a bank account that has been set up for the family, so that 100% of the donation reaches them. Our staff in the field support […]

Towards Equality

“A woman is now raped in India every 20 minutes…” A statistic from the National Crime Records Bureau of India, which made international news this year with relation to the horrific cases of rape and violence towards women in India. Sources show that rape cases in India have doubled between 1990 and 2008 and that […]

What does poverty look like?

Try to put faces to the many victims in these recent news stories from India… June 2012: A 32-year-old woman in Tirunelveli district in Tamil Nadu sold her five-month-old twin daughters for a promised Rs 25,000 (CAD$463) and Rs 15,000(CAD$278) respectively. The woman, named Selvi, is a single mother with an eight-year-old daughter. Her husband […]

Gambling with the Monsoon

India is an agrarian country with 52% of its people employed in the agricultural industry.  As I rode the train between some of India’s southern states during my last trip there, there was no shortage of evidence of this.  Outside of the major cities in rural areas, you are surrounded for miles by farm crops […]

Creating an Inclusive Society

Save A Family Plan’s founder, Father Gus, was strongly committed to building an inclusive society and continuously advocated for people with disabilities through his work in India. Today, SAFP aims to continue this important work and to promote the values that were so dear to him. In Canada, SAFP is partnering with Community Living London, […]

Crime Against Children in India

India’s National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) publishes detailed crime statistics in an annual report called Crime in India. Published since 1953, the guide serves as a comprehensive reference source for the country’s policy-makers, law enforcement agencies, and citizen stakeholders. Criminal activity is a negative aspect of life for citizens of any country. Unfortunately, for those […]

India’s Scheduled Tribes

Indigenous people are among the most vulnerable and marginalized groups in India, facing disproportionately high levels of poverty, illiteracy, and poor health. These communities, referred to by the government as “Scheduled Tribes”, make up more than 8% of the country’s 1.2 billion inhabitants. Many have little contact with the outside world and continue to survive […]

The Millennium Development Goals – Heading towards 2015

In the year 2000, all the world’s countries came together and agreed to make a commitment to ending poverty and improving the well-being of the poor and marginalized around the world. They decided on a set of 8 goals, which they hoped would be achieved over 15 years, by 2015. These goals are: Goal 1: […]